Nearly 30 minutes were spent slicing lemons very thin. A thumb was lightly sliced; acid got in; it was highly painful. The lemons were chucked into a cauldron (that word is so much more interesting than "large pot" don't you think?) along with a little water, a lot of sugar, and some honey (go here for the recipe). This was boiled violently (I'm like PW that way) for some time before being put in jars and processed. Yield was 8 pint jars and half of another one.
If anyone other than my sister reads this, I could have a giveaway. She'll probably get a jar anyway. Whether she wants it or not Mhua-ha-ha-h... nevermind
To make this seem more like a whole post, I give you...
We now return to our regularly scheduled lives. Perhaps having gotten this off my chest I'll be able to post something else soonish.